Penance (reconciliation or confession), is one of the sacraments of healing. This sacrament is where a person confesses their sins to God through a priest.
The priest offers absolution “in persona Christi” or “in the person of Christ”. He acts as Christ in that moment to be the bridge between us and God.
The priest offers us God’s mercy through absolution. During the sacrament of confession, God, through the priest, forgives us of our sins.
The penance that the priest gives us during our confession is to help us make reparation for our sins and rebuild the connection with Christ that is partly lost due to sin.
The Church requires us to confess at least once a year but recommends us to participate in the sacrament of penance once a month.
“If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained’” (John 20:21-23)
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